I haven't had a chance to formally thank our good friend Kenneth Yan, who just had a beautiful wedding in summer last year in Portland. After their big wedding, Kenneth and his lovely wife, Kitty spent a good 4 hours taking pictures of us in Portland for us to put on our website. So yea, the picture at landing page of the wedding website is from Kenneth and I should've put a credit there long time ago (I did it if you haven't noticed!!). We acted really awekward in the first place, with people walking by around us. Definitely took awhile for both of us to warm up. This happened before the Taiwan glamour shot, so I guess we had a little bit of warm up run here already and it helped a lot. Portland is a lovely small city. We simply just cruise around from Pearl district to the union station and then a steal bridge that I really don't remember the name now. I was wearing the dress that I promised Quam that I would wear more than once since the engagement party. Well, who doesn't love Missoni? Here is to Kenneth: Thank you and Kitty again! Let me know if you already have a studio for us to promote!
Got a nice blog going there! Thanks for mentioning about our photography service (no, we don't have a studio yet... hopefully someday). It was a great pleasure to take pictures for you and Chris. Kitty and I look forward to your big day!